YEEN Fragrance

YEEN Fragrance

I've been experimenting a lot lately with DAZ. With various shapes, textures and even camera effects, an idea grew in my brain to make something like a fake advertisment for product that doesn't exist. But it might be.

Frankly I don't remember the name of the brand or the website, but they were selling some "furry" scented fragrances. Not sure what the names were (I apologize). Combining it with one image set I saw long time ago on FurAffinity, I decided to create an experimental image set known as YEEN Fragrance.

It contained a new character that recently found a way into my DAZ collection and probably will be starring in the future animations. I would have to customize him a bit as well, giving him a name and little backstory. Something is growing in my brain already, but I am not going to spill it out just yet.

To come with a name of the fragrance, I geniuenly thought about multiple designer-like names but then I thought, why not keeping it simple? So I did. And here's the little experimental image set for you to enjoy.

September 26, 2023